Ask Yangjiang Yangdong Ruitai Hardware Products Co., Ltd. customer service team to see if there is an instruction manual for kitchen knife factory . An instruction manual is one of the most important details provided to the customer for some products. With the sole purpose to ensure the correct use of the products being delivered, it includes a description of the product, a description of how to use it, and a drawing to illustrate the explanation. And it is usually translated in the language of the destination country. When customers requested, it may also be written in multiple languages. The instruction manual can also include dealer information as well as customer service information if needed.

Ruitai Hardware has made outstanding contributions to the copper cheese knives industry in China. Ruitai Hardware's
kitchen scissors series are created based on unremitting efforts. The product has good luster. Made of high-quality glaze materials that feature high brightness, it has a good reflectivity to light. This product does not require any difficult maintenance. The product has been widely used in many mills and industrial plants where require clean treated water for internal operations. This product has been certified under BSCI, BV, and FDA.

Professional chef knives plays an important role in achieving the Ruitai ’s continued healthy development. Please contact.