RUITAI Kitchen Knife Factory's minimum order quantity requirements are determined on a case-by-case basis. Normally, factories will set a certain minimum order quantity to ensure production efficiency and cost control. This is because small batch orders may involve higher production costs and more complex production processes. However, RUITAI Kitchen Knife Factory has always been customer-centric, understanding and respecting the needs of different customers.
If you have special order requirements or smaller order quantities, it is recommended that you contact the RUITAI Kitchen Knife Factory sales or customer service team directly. They can evaluate your specific situation and provide a solution that best suits your needs. Factories may consider the specific contents of the order, delivery time, product variety and other factors when determining whether to accept smaller batch orders.
Please note that each factory and each order situation may vary, so the most accurate information should be obtained directly from the RUITAI Kitchen Knife Factory. By communicating with their professional team, you can get clear answers and suggestions on minimum order quantities and other related matters.
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