Kitchen knife factory from Ruitai is profitable because it meets the market demand with a high cost-performance ratio. When similar products available on the marketplace provide basic advantages, the exceptional feature of our products offers a competitive edge. Considering all the eye-catching attributes, the product generally includes a fair and reasonable price.

Ruitai series is very popular amongst the users both in China and abroad. Yangjiang Yangdong Ruitai Hardware Products Co., Ltd.'s damascus steel kitchen knives series are created based on unremitting efforts. The product features high acoustic insulation. The sound absorptive materials have been installed inside to further increase its STC rating. The weight of the handle has been increased to keep a reasonable balance. The pure water treated by this product is crucial in preventing health problems and avoiding the cost of maintaining plumbing systems. Its blade runs seamlessly into the handle and has rivets to secure it tightly together.

Our aim is to continuously improve competitiveness and takes the dominance in cutlery set manufacture industry. Ask online!